Aug 20, 2024
By Tanner Murtagh MSW, RSW & Alex Klassen MSW, RSW
Many forms of chronic pain and symptoms are not caused by structural damage or systemic diseases, but occur due to a rewiring in the brain and nervous system1,2,3. Neuroplastic symptoms are triggered and perpetuated when our danger circuits become sensitized by fearful beliefs about the body and dysregulation in the nervous system4,5.
Neuroplastic pain/symptoms can develop due to:
- Initial Injury
- Perceived Injury
- Stressful Situations or Life Transitions
- Trauma and Childhood Adversity
- Depression, Anxiety, or Obsessive Thinking
- Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms
- Feeling Unsafe in Your External World
Neuroplastic pain/symptoms can begin with a structural injury or condition4. Typically, we’ll heal within a few weeks or months; our body is designed to heal. However, after the body has healed the brain may maintain the neural pathways associated with the pain/symptoms. Essentially, the brain continues trying to protect you, misinterpreting signals from your body and warning you with pain/symptoms, even though you’re safe6. Fearful beliefs about the body, difficult emotions, and nervous system dysregulation can all cause pain to persist, spread, or worsen long after the body has healed4.
With chronic pain/symptoms, our primary fear is, “there is something wrong with my body”4. However, it’s common for us to incorrectly perceive an injury or problem. Research on pain/symptoms and the brain shows us that, in absence of physical damage, believing our body is damaged and expecting symptoms to occur can trigger, amplify, and maintain pain/symptoms in the brain7,8,9. We frequently hear stories of how fear of physical damage/disease worsened the symptoms our client's symptoms. Conversely, we also witness how education, gathering evidence for physical safety, and brain retraining exercises reduce the frequency and intensity of pain/symptoms.
Stressful situations and life transitions, even positive ones, can trigger neuroplastic pain/symptoms3,4. Events such as divorce, work stressors/changes, going to university, having a baby, living through the pandemic, and experiencing the death of loved one can all cause difficult emotions and dysregulation in the nervous system. Chronic dysregulation can cause neuroplastic pain/symptoms because the brain becomes more sensitive when receiving signals from inside and outside the body2. Remember, physical pain/symptoms are common when human beings feel in danger! The problem arises when pain/symptom sensations confuse and scare us, leading to scary and incorrect beliefs about our bodies that perpetuate pain/symptoms.
Trauma can cause the brain and nervous system to become chronically dysregulated, leading to overactive responses of fight, flight, freeze, or shutdown5. Trauma and adverse childhood experiences increase the likelihood of chronic pain developing10,11. In fact, adults are 2.7 times more likely to develop chronic widespread pain if they have significant trauma in their past, and 4 times more likely to develop chronic fatigue syndrome10,12. The connection between trauma and chronic pain/symptoms makes sense, as trauma sensitizes the nervous system. Safe sensations from our bodies are accidentally viewed by the brain as dangerous, and so the brain generates pain/symptoms to (over)protect us.
Depression, anxiety, and obsessive thinking are all signs that the nervous system is dysregulated and functioning in survival mode5,13. In our brain, the amygdala, posterior insula, anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex, and mid cingulate cortex are involved in producing pain/symptoms, emotions, anxiety, and depression14. When we are experiencing mental health concerns, both emotional pain and physical pain/symptom sensations can be produced, as shared brain regions are responsible for both14.
People with neuroplastic pain/symptoms commonly engage in coping mechanisms including avoidance of activities/movements, perfectionism and people pleasing4. These coping mechanisms typically helped us create safety at some point in our lives, but can also lead to sustained nervous system dysregulation4. For example, perfectionism can cause intense pressure and stress, people-pleasing can cause anxiety and lacking boundaries, and avoidance of activities/movements can lead to isolation, increased fear, and declining physical/mental health. Part of healing neuroplastic pain/symptoms is building more healthy daily behaviours.
Social factors such as poverty, isolation, abusive or toxic relationships, race, gender and sexual orientation influence the likelihood of chronic pain/symptoms developing and persisting15,16,17. Social experiences of violence, abuse, and oppression can cause us to feel unsafe in our communities, environments, and bodies. Remember, pain/symptoms are designed to alert us to danger; and when we feel unsafe in our internal or external world, neuroplastic symptoms can be triggered and perpetuated even though the body is healthy3,4.
As you can see, there are multiple factors in the development of neuroplastic pain/symptoms, unique to each person. The Somatic Safety Method course offers an effective, evidence-based process to help our community members understand how neuroplastic pain/symptoms developed, restore a sense of safety in their bodies, reduce symptoms, and live more fully.
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